19 Jan 2021 The Crunchfish and eCurrency Technical & Marketing Partnership Agreement leverages the Offline wallet and private payments capability 


14 Apr 2021 Marketing material commissioned by Crunchfish AB (publ). 1. Update Crunchfish is just starting to specify its revenue model. Even at very.

Here fishy, fishy! The Catnip Crunch Fish kicker toy was designed for your cats' urge to bunny-kick, hug, wrestle and play. Filled with catnip and crinkle in the fins   Crunchfish as a tech company pioneers many aspects of the future in radical new ways. We never let technology dictate the conditions, instead we create solutions that are most fitting to humans. With a rare combination of courage and technical know-how, we currently solve for the future in five distinct areas.


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Crunchfish AB har 14 anställda och gjorde ett resultat på -18 880 KSEK med omsättning 8 950 KSEK under 2019. Bolaget hade då en omsättningstillväxt på 38,3 %. Crunchfishs vinstmarginal låg vid senaste årsbokslutet på -210,9 % vilket ger Crunchfish placeringen 391 959 i Sverige av totalt 651 060 aktiebolag. Nu nöjer sig Crunchfish med en nyemission på 60 miljoner kronor och bolaget kommer att ha cirka 1000 aktieägare i samband med listningen.

14 Apr 2021 Marketing material commissioned by Crunchfish AB (publ). 1. Update Crunchfish is just starting to specify its revenue model. Even at very.

Med hjälp av egenutvecklad appterminal och mjukvara möjliggörs digital mobilbetalning. Kommersialiseringen inom mobil handel görs i samarbete med övriga bolag inom koncernen. Crunchfish vd och storägare har köpt 50.000 aktier. Publicerad: 25 mars 2020, 12:11 Crunchfish - Technology - Analysguiden.

Crunchfish AB designs and develops mobile applications. The Company specializes in gesture interaction software on mobile devices for communication and gaming purposes. Crunchfish serves original

Med hjälp av egenutvecklad appterminal och mjukvara möjliggörs digital mobilbetalning. Kommersialiseringen inom mobil handel görs i samarbete med övriga bolag inom koncernen. Crunchfish styrelseordförande Joachim Samuelsson förklarar den senaste kursuppgången med att bolaget nu har tydliggjort hur dess patentportfölj hänger samman. "Vi har aldrig tidigare visat hur våra patent hänger ihop och marknaden reagerar kanske på det", säger han till Nyhetsbyrån Direkt. Crunchfish AB gick med förlust (2019) Crunchfish AB gick med förlust, -18 880 000 kr. Crunchfish AB ökade sin omsättning med 25,42% senaste räkenskapsåret.

The offline solution is globally About Crunchfish – crunchfish.com Crunchfish is a technical pioneer within digital payments with its ground-breaking Digital Cash Wallet using a two-step payment process, first clearing offline followed by online settlement, which makes digital payments robust and independent from the net. Crunchfish is running a pilot project with Swish, Sweden’s biggest payment services provider. If successful, it could be used for cross-border transactions and help lay the foundation for an Crunchfish is a tech company with patent-pending solutions for Digital Cash that can be integrated with both the payment rail and in mobile wallets. The solutions are globally scalable and makes Crunchfish has developed a solution that meets all these criteria, Joachim Samuelsson proudly states. Crunchfish Digital Cash Wallet xoxo.cash Crunchfish complements the World's payment services with its Digital Cash Wallet xoxo.cash, whether on mobile or payment card. It processes an offline balance that is reflected in a corresponding and Crunchfish's patent pending Digital Cash solutions are built on a two-tier offline vs.
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Barron's also provides information on historical stock ratings, target prices, company  Crunchfish is a provider of interaction software and UX expertise that reinvents enterprise AR and m-commerce. Crunchfish offer touchless interaction by  14 Apr 2021 Marketing material commissioned by Crunchfish AB (publ). 1.

We take the user experience with apps and mobile devices to the next level by making a touchless interface available everywhere.
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2 Mkt Cap indicates the market value of the selected share series admitted to trading on Nasdaq Nordic. Note that the company may have other share series admitted to trading and that it may have unlisted shares. For complete information, please visit the company’s website.

Kommersialiseringen inom mobil handel görs i samarbete med övriga bolag inom koncernen. Crunchfish utvecklar även geststyrning av smarta AR-glasögon till konsumentmarknaden. Crunchfish är sedan 2016 noterade på Nasdaq First North Growth Market med huvudkontor i Malmö och med representation i Indien. Om Crunchfish Crunchfish är ett techbolag med patentsökta lösningar för digitala kontanter, geststyrning samt inom områden för att minska matsvinnet.

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We’re in the business of hosting great ideas. Whether you’re consolidating all of your hosted solutions to a single provider or taking advantage of Svenska Domäner Stockholm’s low registration prices, we make it easy to transfer your domain name.

I dag rusar aktien i Crunchfish – ett bolag med en omsättning som en mindre korvkiosk. Efter att VR-satsningen floppat vädrar bolaget nu morgonluft inom mobila betalningar. ”Vi siktar in oss på all fysisk handel i hela världen”, säger styrelseordföranden Joachim Samuelsson. Crunchfish AB is a Sweden based company involved in providing software and UX expertise that reinvents m-commerce and enterprise AR interaction. Its touchless gesture interaction technology enables to use hands to engage with digital interfaces.